I'm waiting to see if it makes a difference in attendance and zoom pictures being on.
It is always fun to read the part for elders eyes only.
we got the inevitable letter today.. meet, associate and "encourage" in person unless sick or infirm.
also dress up for zoom if you must use it.
locally over half are on zoom, 3/4 no picture.
I'm waiting to see if it makes a difference in attendance and zoom pictures being on.
It is always fun to read the part for elders eyes only.
2022-08-01-debit and credit cards.
monthly donation amounts by area.
https://www.filemail.com/d/lkaivtcpyrvgwlb .
They slways say you csn up the amount to offset low income people, but I never hear of any congregation lowering their amount.
2022--only three chapters.. wisdom from the gospels.
click on "text" and you will get it in pdf.. .
Really, really, really out of ideas
is there any new music or singers whatsoever nowadays or just junk?
and how about movies, besides documentaries is there anything at all, any movie at all, any new actor at all that that has any real worth to watch and enjoy or is it all a boring waste of time.
There are good movies and music made. It is just hard to find. Romance stories ( not romantic, look it up), and folk ( people music) are timeless
i found it ironic that the symposium "put away peace wrecker inappropriate boasting".
was presented by a helper to the publishing committee.
and all of the other talks were given by, if not gb members, but by helpers to the various committees.
I have never heard any boasting 🤥
I'm Jesus' brother, pioneer, elder, give good talks......never heard.
Measuring d__ks comes to mind.
Saturday I learned it is a personal choice to attend funerals/ weddings -- so don't do it. And go to meetings to feel better. Instant mood changes
trump's first wife and mother of his children died recently.
they had her buried on his golf course.
do you think this is tacky or a savvy business move since it'll now get them some tax breaks as a cemetery?.
Agricultural land taxis a universal tactic. Behind me is wheat which is mowed for straw every 5 years , the time the law allows. Eventually it will be condos.
People with 5 acres keep a goat to claim farm status.
It us not like trump is doing something different than others
we got the inevitable letter today.. meet, associate and "encourage" in person unless sick or infirm.
also dress up for zoom if you must use it.
locally over half are on zoom, 3/4 no picture.
Religion shouldfill a need. Instead they are telling you what you need.
trump's first wife and mother of his children died recently.
they had her buried on his golf course.
do you think this is tacky or a savvy business move since it'll now get them some tax breaks as a cemetery?.
Given land and money a private cemetery is a good idea. Here you need a half section (320 acres). I have visited some from curiosity. The old affluent neighborhood ( mansions, large homes with carriage houses)we worked in service has gravestones from long gone and unrelated people in backyards on city lots.
As for Trump, people want to pee on graves, vandalize them, dig souvenirs, and a few idolize him. Best to control it.
2022-07-29-announcements-spanishpage 2, par.
3. on the other hand, some brothers and sisters—younger and in good health—have more favorable circumstances that may allow them to attend christian meetings regularly at the kingdom hall.
The fear of covid is NOT a factor in most zoom attendance. Old age, crippling seats, boring parts, travel, dress codes, all are reasons. Doing zoom easily saves an hour or more. The so called association is a joke; tgat would come from a forbidden picnic.
we got the inevitable letter today.. meet, associate and "encourage" in person unless sick or infirm.
also dress up for zoom if you must use it.
locally over half are on zoom, 3/4 no picture.
Change pass codes and give them to only ones they deem sick enough?